
My "Distributed Programming and Data Consistency" Codebits talk slideware

I am finally publishing the slideware for my SAPO Codebits 2009 talk entitled "Distributed Programming and Data Consistency".

I first wanted to complete its notes in order to:
  1. Allow its use independently from the talk's video (in Portuguese);
  2. Provide enough bibliography / reference material to ease further study on any of the covered issues.
Here it is:


Codebits 2009

I finally went trough the Codebits experience:
I ended up having the chance to have a rather complete experience too, not only attending but also by giving a talk and competing in the famous 24 Hour Programming Contest.

Not everything went perfectly, but it was an amazing experience.

Please believe that I don't use the word "amazing" as liberally as those people you often watch on TV. This was really interesting and I want to repeat it next year, if I have the chance.

The title of my talk was "Distributed programming and data consistency" and there is a video (Portuguese spoken) here:
The talk mentioned several NoSQL data handling techniques, but the focus was mostly on Data Consistency, CAP and BASE / Eventual Consistency.

After watching me back I just found out how much I have to improve as a speaker. The feeling I have is like:
  • The guy which studied the subject and prepared the slides did a good job;
  • The guy which presented it must be "a bit" livelier,  have better tempo.
I will try to watch this video again before I do any other talk... but in case it goes offline I took notes too (with all the gory details I am avoiding to mention here). =;o)

In the next days I will prepare a version of the slideware with better notes, which will include the URLs of the most interesting literature I came across about this subject.